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Sci-fi photos, page 1

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ET photograph Competition

Winners: ET Photograph Competition - Sci-fi Photos

<news:ET Photograph Competition Winners!>

By [Ilana]
By [Trennas]


Thank you to all that contributed!


This contest is closed!


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

1. "Title" - [insert user name]
Image goes here
"Explanation, Date & Location"

Theme reminder:
The theme of this contest is science fiction photography.
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.


1. 'Space Explorer Icecream Buggey b/c Aliens Like Icecream Too!' - [moira hawthorne]


Proof <img50*0:stuff/day%203%20a.JPG> see marbles lottas marbles
my son Eirikr built it and together we set up the photo set than I made it more spacey...
March 29 2007 on my livingroom couch

2. "Fly Me Away" - [Able Insane]


Proof <img50*0:>
When I read the criteria I was slightly disappointed because I had taken several pictures that could be changed to make something very spacey. Because of this, I knew exactly where to go to take a picture.
This picture was taken today, April 4, 2007, in my backyard^.^

3. -

4. "Cityscape" - [Triola]


Proof <img50*0:stuff/z/35761/triolaimages/i1178216344_1.jpg>
Taken today, the 3. of May. It's from the inside of my computer, because I've always thought that the boards with all the micro-thingies look like small cities.

5. 'Space In My Empty Coffee Mug' - [moira hawthorne]


Proof <img50*0:stuff/CC%20empty.jpg> see one red marble
May 9 2007 on my computer desk.



8. "Recroom Wormhole" - [deRevenant]

proof photo<img50*0:>with small yellow tennis ball for round object
pix taken May 9, 2007, showing west wall of downstairs living room

used PcImg Editor for the photo manip/i changed the image to monochrome, then used twirl and radial blur effects; my intention was this: what would happen if an interdimensional vortex suddenly showed up in your home? :-o

9. "Successful Ignition of the Neo-Aetheric Reactor" - [deRevenant]

proof photo<img50*0:>round object is the little black antenna ball on a string (i suppose the tissue lantern itself also counts)
pix taken June 17, 2007/proof photo taken at different angle, shows the ceiling light in my bedroom

rotated the image & adjusted the color/hue, i got the effect i wanted with fewer adjustments this time; got to be careful though, these captured alien reactors are unstable, you know...might put someone's eye out... O_o

10. "Lazer gun" - [Ilana]


Taken in my backyard at approximately 1pm (Eastern time) on May 27th, 2007. The model is my little brother. I blurred up the background, made him black and white and added the laser beam. In the proof, my spherical object is a tennis ball because I didn't have anything else handy.


12. "Traversing the Rocky Wastes" - [Yuriona] An intrepid traveller crosses a barren, alien land while leading his six legged beast of burden.


Proof: <img50*0:stuff/sci%20fi%20photo%20contest%20proof%20yuri.jpg>   <img50*0:stuff/scifi%20contest%20proof%20-%202%20yuri.jpg>
Photo taken last weekend in my driveway by me of an unknown beetle. That really is one of my daughters' balls in the background but its all blurry due to the setting on the camera and I didn't want to bring it closer for fear my subject would skitter away on me. :3 Bug saddle & tack and little alien dude added using Photoshop Elements.

13 . My indoors UFO , only active between 11pm and midnight [Iske]

UFO non Active <img100*0:stuff/PowerB.jpg>

14."swash" It's the roof of the building below, from the inside.

Proof: <img100*0:>



17. "Alien Abduction" - [Sir. Robert]
You never know when those aliens will come out of the sky to probe you in places you don’t want probed…but this time I was ready with my camera! (of course they still got me, but at least I have some proof)
-Picture taken June 10th 2007 in my room
Lots of marbles on a flashlight!

18. "The Nebula" - [Sir. Robert]
It was a nice clear night up in the mountians and I snapped a great picture through my 10000000000x lense of a nebula on my digital camera :) ...This may be a little too much editing :S
-Picture taken June 20th 2007 at approx 1:00AM

18. "The Horns of Atakoch" - [Trennas]
These are the fabled Horns of Atakoch, the only bastion of sanctuary you will find in the mountain regions of the planet. Took me a while to get the editing done due to other restrictions and physical problems, but it's finally done! The horns are actually a souvenir I bought in Crete and the mountains are my messy bedsheets. The planet in the background is completely photoshop work!
-The pictures were taken on monday the 14th of may, 2007, in my very own bedroom.
<img100*0:stuff/scifi_horns_proof1.jpg> <img100*0:stuff/scifi_horns_proof2.jpg>
I didn't have any marbles or anything round, so I ended up using some beads that are attached to my pirate sword XD

19. "Intergalactic Portal" - [Kelaria]

<img100*0:stuff/IGPproof2.jpg> <img100*0:stuff/IGPproof.jpg>


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2007-04-28 [dragonos]: I do have some picture not loded into the computer that were taken a few day's ago by a friend but don't have the photcopier either so i'm in a slump they would pass as science fiction easly because of the stuff shown in them and they even have the date on in to prove it's authenticity and some negatives but they wont work lol well as soon as I can put some up i'll come back for the contest and dont wurry i'll make sure they are new ones only

2007-04-28 [Linderel]: Also note that the images need to be taken by YOU, not a friend...

2007-04-28 [dragonos]: that's ok when I get a camara they will be taken by me

2007-04-30 [moira hawthorne]: thats cooool I have one of thsoe balls.... it loooks like mars...

2007-04-30 [Ravendust]: mine's blue, I got it in an old town. Thanks for the comment :D I'm glad you like it... now to get on with other contests that I promised to enter now that I've got my net back -_-

2007-05-03 [Triola]: This is my first official competition, so I'm just wondering, did I do everything right? =S

2007-05-03 [moira hawthorne]: [Triola] thats coool!

2007-05-03 [Triola]: Thank you n.n Yours is awesome though, I definitely think it will win!

2007-05-03 [moira hawthorne]: thx u... I can hope....

2007-05-03 [Yuriona]: Wow... amazing photo [Triola]! I love your piece!

2007-05-03 [Triola]: Thank you *^_^*

2007-05-03 [Ravendust]: [Triola]That is very nice, and I've noticed it too. This is also my first official contest...

2007-05-03 [Triola]: Oh, great, I'm not the only rookie then! :D

2007-05-03 [Ravendust]: :D

2007-05-03 [moira hawthorne]: ha... I wonder if you remeber/know TRON

2007-05-03 [Triola]: Oh, dear, it's been ages since I saw that movie! I only vaguely remember what it was about >.<

2007-05-03 [moira hawthorne]: it was prety lame as a movie... but the city world in the computer was neat state of the art CG at the time! ... tho to compare it to Bladerunner is terrible... as Bladerunner was an awesome movie! and all the CG art was so much more rich and real!...believeable

2007-05-03 [Kyrinn]: I dunno, I thought Tron was okay. Though watching it now, its pretty dated. XD Bladerunner ROCKED though. 

2007-05-03 [Triola]: I don't think I've seen Bladerunner, so I can't make a comparison =/

2007-05-03 [Atayemi]: I've seen Bladerunner. I thought it was alright, although the story is quite hard for me to follow. It was really clever, though, and Harrison Ford was great. :)

2007-05-03 [Kyrinn]: Ive not watched it in years! I know there was a director's cut made of it a while back too.

2007-05-03 [Atayemi]: Yeah, my media teacher showed us that one. :P

2007-05-03 [Ravendust]: You guys should probably move your conversation to PM :P

2007-05-03 [Atayemi]: The ending is nice, with the unicorn made out of metal. I think it's a unicorn anyways. :P

2007-05-03 [Kyrinn]: definitely a good story. *nods* Ill have to get my copy out and watch it again. ^^

2007-05-03 [Kyrinn]: O.o News to me..

2007-05-03 [Atayemi]: Noo.. Bladerunner.

2007-05-03 [Ilana]: I really like the new entry! Good job, Triola!

2007-05-03 [Kyrinn]: Ill have to watch Blade runner again, I dont remember that..

2007-05-04 [Kelaria]: *sighs* I wish I knew how to use photoshop :(
My entry is going to be so lame -_-;;

2007-05-04 [dragonos]: lmao don't feel alone i can't figure that out myself

2007-05-04 [Triola]: Thank you, Ilana :)

2007-05-04 [Kelaria]: Of course, even if I knew how to use photoshop, I don't have it on my computer so I wouldn't be able to use it anyway -_-;;

2007-05-04 [Linderel]: You could get GIMP and play with it. It's perfectly free. :3

2007-05-04 [Kelaria]: is it like photoshop?

2007-05-04 [Kyrinn]: Ive heard about GIMP. I think I might give it a try..

2007-05-04 [Ilana]: It's not quite as versatile as photoshop, but it's fine for basic stuff.

2007-05-11 [Kelaria]: Mine's so lame XD though I might come up with a better one... we'll see :P

2007-05-11 [Triola]: Indiana Jones of the future! :O Doesn't he have one of those crazy balls rolling after him? :P

2007-05-11 [Sunrose]: Let's not fight, everyone does the best they can do and that's what it's about :)

2007-05-11 [Kelaria]: I wasn't fighting either, just telling it like it is :P

2007-05-11 [Sunrose]: It started sounding hostile, just making sure it doesn't get any worse :p

2007-05-11 [Sunrose]: Yea okay moira I get the point already.

2007-05-11 [Yuriona]: Maybe it would have been better if you had said her hallway photo was cool from the start rather than hinting that it was boring and that a photo of her ball would have been more interesting. *shrugs* It didn't sound very nice to me either to be honest.

2007-05-11 [Ilana]: I kind of like the plain tunnel. It's got cool perspective.

2007-05-12 [Kelaria]: Thanks [Ilana]! ^_^

2007-05-14 [Trennas]: soo, im gonna join this contest too ^^ just took my first picture, but im gonna need a few for my idea to work.. just hope i can find the right scenery..

2007-05-14 [moira hawthorne]: loookin forward to yours... your photos are always so coool... love the pirate ones you have on your house now...

2007-05-14 [Trennas]: ahhrr thanks a bunch ^^ its ehr.. gonna be different from the entries that are on right now XD

2007-05-18 [OMERTA]: AHHH somebody help I can't get my pictures to show! Can someone tell what I'm doing wrong, please?

2007-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: I dont know... view this way it lookes like you have copy and pasted the image.. and therefore got the resizing tag wrong ... but in edit it looks fine... try uploading them again you must have the URL address wrong

2007-05-18 [OMERTA]: Oh wait i figured it out. haha. I feel stupid!

2007-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: wait they are working now...

only one thing why is a ghost science fiction??

..and your proof photo is suppose to have a marble or other ball like thing in it... it isnt just the orginal photo you used...

2007-05-18 [OMERTA]: I think gosts are science fiction...

Oh, i get it.... okay let me start all over again.. haha.


2007-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: there was a contest just a little while ago for paranormal photograghy... ghosts and weird unexplained things...

this one suppose to be more science space ect... as far as I figure the rules and theme...

anyways I only asked you about the ghost...

but your do/did need a marble in the proof...

2007-05-18 [OMERTA]: Alright thanks.

2007-05-18 [Yuriona]: Funny... I always thought the paranormal was considered to be science fiction because it deals with things that have not or can not be proven by science. :P

Don't let other entrants dissuade you [OMERTA]. The only ones who can tell you your photo doesn't fit the theme are the Council members who are moderating the contest. I would love to see your photo posted but as stated, you do need to include a proof photo containing a marble or spere shaped object.

2007-05-18 [moira hawthorne]: her photo entery is on her house.. and I didnt dissuade her from entering it... I asked her about it... and tryed to help her load it correctly and told her she needed a marble object in her proof.

2007-05-18 [Yuriona]: And I quote:: "only one thing why is a ghost science fiction??"

That would seem pretty derogatory to me if it had been my entry you were speaking about. Your helpful suggestions about entrants' photos seem more harmful than anything else. Perhaps you should try rephrasing your suggestions so they're more positive in tone.

If she needs help uploading something, she could talk to [Sunrose] or another council member about getting wiki loading privs since that's simpler than posting an image on your house. Maybe the best way you could help out is to just not help at all.

2007-05-18 [Sunrose]: See also uploading images on how to use the 'upload a folder of images' feature ^^

2007-05-20 [Ilana]: LEGO!!! YAY!!!

2007-05-20 [Trennas]: lego is fun ^^

2007-05-20 [Paul Doyle]: [Kelaria], ever seen THX: 1138? That's what the tunnel reminds me of.

2007-05-21 [moira hawthorne]: wwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cool! "Recroom Wormhole" - [deRevenant] ... did you leap in?

2007-05-21 [Kyrinn]: Wow, [deRevenant], nice effect!

2007-05-21 [Sunrose]: Interesting indeed ^^

2007-05-21 [deRevenant]: ummm wow, hehe....i didn't know my entry had such an effect! thank you kindly for the accolades; honestly, i hope it's not too much, i tried to abide the rules of the contest :D

for curious minds, i did try jumping in, however was sadly thwarted...the vortex quickly vanished the moment someone flushed the toilet~ ;))

2007-05-21 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh no not the tiolet sux the time space continum...

2007-05-23 [deRevenant]: i do have another entry i'd like to add; but is it too late for it perhaps?

2007-05-23 [Kyrinn]: Deadline is May 31st, so you have time to enter a second entry.

2007-05-23 [deRevenant]: ah, cool beans! thanks kyrinn :)

2007-05-23 [Kyrinn]: You're welcome. ^__^

2007-05-26 [deRevenant]: 2nd entry is done now, but somehow i like my 1st one better. maybe night sessions don't work as well :p

2007-05-26 [Kyrinn]: I dunno, it looks pretty good to me. ^_^

2007-05-26 [deRevenant]: thanks kyrinn....well, i guess i have only to wait and see what the judges decide~

2007-05-26 [Sunrose]: Your second entry doesn't contain a marble/spherical object in the proofphoto :/

2007-05-26 [Linderel]: "with pink ball as round object" :P

2007-05-26 [Sunrose]: Oh! Oops..didn't see it :P

2007-05-26 [Ilana]: My entry is forthcoming!

2007-05-27 [moira hawthorne]: awesome [Ilana]

2007-05-27 [Ilana]: Thanks, Moira!

2007-05-27 [Teufelsweib]: wow, that's great [Ilana]! =D

2007-05-27 [Trennas]: cool one:D

2007-05-27 [moira hawthorne]: I'd love to know how you blurred the b/g like that without bluring the figure...

2007-05-27 [Trennas]: from the looks of it its a motion blur applied to a selection that doesnt include the figure :)

2007-05-27 [Priscilla Primkin]: Nice pic, [Ilana]. I love the reflection in Cam’s glasses in the proof.

2007-05-27 [moira hawthorne]: still dont know how to do that even.. if you do [Trennas] Id love to learn how...

2007-05-27 [Trennas]: haha cant explain that in words:p look around for some photoshop tutorials:p

2007-05-28 [Ilana]: I actually copied the whole picture into a new layer and then cut out the background in the top layer, made it black and white and then did the radial blur applied to the bottom layer. It wasn't too complicated. It's easiest to select complicated shapes with the pen tool.

2007-05-28 [Kyrinn]: [Ilana] Thats cool!!

2007-05-28 [moira hawthorne]: wow you did a great job cutting him off from the background... I will have to experiment with that... thx...
radial blur and pen tool

2007-05-28 [Trennas]: thats another possibility yesh ^^ nice work:D

2007-05-28 [Ilana]: Thankies!

2007-05-30 [Ilana]: I hope there are more entries...

2007-05-30 [Kyrinn]: I might be able to whip something out, but I have a suspicion I wont make it.

2007-05-30 [Trennas]: i'm bailing out of this one, ill never make the deadline with all the work that is piling up around me.. if the deadline could be moved that would be great, but if it can't its perfectly fine with me.. im not expecting anything XD

2007-05-30 [Yuriona]: I have one I can use and a proof photo too but the sphere is waaaay in the background and kinda hard to see.

2007-05-30 [Kyrinn]: Id say post it anyway. ^_^

2007-05-30 [Ilana]: I can't see a marble in [Lakayana]'s proof photo...

2007-05-30 [Atayemi]: I think the lightbulb thing is the round object. ^^

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: Damn! I don't think I'll have my entry done in time. Oh well... we'll see how tomorrow goes...

2007-05-31 [Kyrinn]: OMG! Yuri thats awesome!! I love the little guy and the saddle beetle!

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: Thanks. :) It was a quick job but it came out pretty good. I just hope my proof photo is ok. I have other photos from the same session with balls in them but that's the only one with the little bug in it too.

2007-05-31 [Kyrinn]: I think it should be alright. You pointed it out in the picture and even without the pointing I can see what it is. Maybe post one of the others with the ball in it to show it better? 

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: I'll have to find one... hang on...

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: There... you can see the blue ball a bit better in that one though its still blurry.

2007-05-31 [Kyrinn]: I think it should be fine actually, at least in my opinion. *nods*

2007-05-31 [Ilana]: Very cool, [Yuriona].

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: Thank you. :)

2007-05-31 [Jeccabee]: that's awesome Yuri! I love the alien...and the detail with the bug's saddle and reigns is great!

2007-05-31 [Yuriona]: Thank you kindly. :)

2007-06-01 [Sunrose]: The deadline has been postponed for a month, because we'd like to have more participation in the contest. Which, for the record, does not mean we don't like any of the current entries :)

2007-06-01 [Atayemi]: Oooh great, I was thinking of entering too. Thanks. :P

2007-06-02 [Trennas]: woot! i can do something in a month i think:D i hope:p

cool new entires peepz:D

2007-06-03 [Ilana]: That would be great, Trennas!

2007-06-04 [Trennas]: ^^ ill try my very best:)

2007-06-04 [Ocean Soul]: Ohh, I have one of those, [Iske]. jeez, good idea ^^

2007-06-04 [Iske]: cool he... i was so happy that i could take a picture of the moving lights with my new camera

2007-06-04 [Lakayana]: Nice job there [Iske]

2007-06-04 [Iske]: thx a lot

2007-06-04 [Trennas]: ooh cool effect:D i did some of those too with a little red laser pen, but they didnt turn out as cool as this ^^

2007-06-07 [Iske]: you need more light to have a nice effect , like 3 candles or so... one small light does not work that good..

2007-06-13 [Nocternity S.]: thats a very nice table [Relphien] i think im hungry now >.<

2007-06-13 [Ilana]: I like the blue universe one...

2007-06-13 [Relphien]: thanx [Nocternity S.] and [Ilana] I like it also.. (=

2007-06-13 [Relphien]: I want to enter more pictures, I have many good ones.. )=

2007-06-13 [moira hawthorne]: [Relphien] I really like "the blue universe!" and your room loooks lovely too!

2007-06-13 [Relphien]: thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it [moira hawthorne]

2007-06-14 [deRevenant]: ingenius effect....i think i just lost out to "blue universe", hehe ;)

2007-06-14 [moira hawthorne]: I think "Recroom Wormhole" is very good... there are quite a few really good one in here!

2007-06-14 [deRevenant]: yes, i do like several entries that have sprouted in here! i wish i had a good picture to work with, but all i'm able to use is a low-grade webcam (ick) to capture the picture with. in hindsight, i think my 2nd entry is terrible...i should replace it with something better

2007-06-14 [moira hawthorne]: sounds like a good idea... just remember... its not the tools... its the artist that defines the artistic endevor...

2007-06-14 [deRevenant]: very true, moira :)

2007-06-14 [moira hawthorne]: thx u =D

2007-06-14 [Relphien]: I think your pictures are very good [deRevenant] don't give up.!

2007-06-14 [deRevenant]: thank you kindly, it's very nice to receive such good comments here from ET members ^__^

2007-06-14 [Relphien]: yeah I now, we must support each other.. ^^

2007-06-14 [Ilana]: Or the aliens will take over...

2007-06-14 [moira hawthorne]: Aliens! what aliens!?! *panics and runs in circles*

2007-06-14 [Kyrinn]: They wont come where I am. No one comes up here.. *puts feet up*

2007-06-14 [Atayemi]: I have a light saber to smack 'em with. :P

2007-06-14 [Kyrinn]: Oooo!! Big bug zapper!! *buzzes around Atayemi*

2007-06-14 [Atayemi]: *waves saber* Zzzz zzz! xP

2007-06-14 [Kyrinn]: *follows it around*

2007-06-14 [Atayemi]: xP

2007-06-14 [moira hawthorne]: *drinks coffee* Im calm now...

2007-06-14 [Yuriona]: Ahem... *clears throat* Sorry to be the party pooper here guys but try to keep the silly, off-topic, spammish comments to a minimum ok?

2007-06-14 [Kyrinn]: Sowwy.. *buzzes off after the pretty flashy thing*

2007-06-14 [Relphien]: I thought it was funny...

2007-06-18 [moira hawthorne]: awesome idea and photo [Sir. Robert]

2007-06-19 [deRevenant]: i second the comment by [moira hawthorne]; that was a clever idea!

2007-06-19 [moira hawthorne]: how are you coming on a change for your second entery?

2007-06-19 [deRevenant]: hmmm...hard to say, i've suddenly reached a quandary when it came to the subject of the photo, ack...but if i can work out something prior to the deadline, i'll pull a little "saigon switch" with my current entry

2007-06-19 [Ilana]: It's interesting how a lot of people are incorporating the proof marble into the actual picture.

2007-06-19 [moira hawthorne]: at least that why its for sure a new photo.. and there wasnt just a marble like sphere shape somewhere in a old picture

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: there you go [deRevenant] that one is much better!

2007-06-20 [deRevenant]: yay, improvements accomplished! hehe ;)

2007-06-20 [Sir. Robert]: LOL...I tried to stick with the basic filters but I may have gotten a bit carried can take down my entry if it is not acceptable :S

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: interesting... what is the original object?

2007-06-20 [Sir. Robert]: There are a couple of pieces of melted aluminum on a black canvas with both marbles and glowing airsoft pellets on it :)

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooooooooooooo... you just put it together thats cool

2007-06-20 [Sir. Robert]: I should have made something eatable....because i'm hungry now :S I should just go to bed!

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: dont eat the melted aluminum.. it may look pretty but it wouldnt be good for you

2007-06-20 [Relphien]: [deRevenant] your new entry is awesome..!

2007-06-20 [Ilana]: I like your new entry too, Revenant.

2007-06-20 [deRevenant]: thank you kindly! i'm actually surprised how good the end result came for the image ; it was really just one of those serendipitous moments with the cam! oddly enough, i think it might've been subconsciously inspired as well by this recent inexplicable, morbid interest i've been having with a "certain deadly place" in the Ukraine.....

2007-06-20 [Kyrinn]: Wow [Trennas] thats awesome!

2007-06-20 [Trennas]: squee:D thanksies:D took me a while! must rest now!:p

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: that is awesome coool [Trennas]

2007-06-20 [Trennas]: thanksies:D

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: that could be a book cover!

2007-06-20 [Trennas]: hahahahahhaaha XD it was sort of made with a story in mind, but I wouldnt have a clue what kind of story:p

2007-06-20 [moira hawthorne]: you should do another version tho with the book title and your name as the author typed in!

2007-06-21 [Trennas]: maybe someday..

2007-06-21 [Ilana]: Way to go, Trennas!

2007-06-21 [Sir. Robert]: lol...why not make it into a movie :) Awesome Idea Trennas!

2007-06-22 [Trennas]: thank you and thank you as well:D

2007-06-22 [Ilana]: Hmm... I just noticed that mine is the only entry that features a person.

2007-06-22 [Trennas]: thats not a bad thing right? i actually found that to be kinda cool:)

2007-06-23 [Ilana]: Thanks, Trennas... It's just weird to me, I guess.

2007-06-23 [Trennas]: i guess its just not the first thing that sprung to mind:)

2007-06-23 [Yuriona]: Hey! Mine has a person in it! Just not a human person. :)

2007-06-23 [Teufelsweib]: pwnage, [Trennas], pwnage! =D

2007-06-23 [Ilana]: That's true, Yuriona.

2007-06-23 [Kyrinn]: Hey, its a person, he has legs and arms and a cool mount.. XD I wont look at beetles the same ever!

2007-06-24 [Trennas]: or at the same size:p

2007-07-02 [Hobbit teen]: what if you have other photos as proof on a wiki but they are in different areas? can i put the wiki page as proof?

2007-07-02 [Linderel]: Well, no. The deadline has passed.

2007-07-02 [Trennas]: oh wow, didnt even notice it XD

2007-07-02 [moira hawthorne]: goood luck to everyone!

2007-07-02 [Ilana]: I didn't notice either... time flies when it's summer time and I spend all my spare time playing Diablo II. Good luck, all!

2007-07-02 [Trennas]: good luck indeed:D

2007-07-02 [Relphien]: yes good luck!!!

2007-07-03 [Sir. Robert]: Good luck everyone :)))

2007-07-14 [Sunrose]: A number of submissions were removed from the contest and put on ET scifi photo contest related. After discussing all the entries we felt that these entries didn't follow the theme as much as we feel they should.
The images should show they are science fiction without needing a description on what makes them science fiction.
When using objects, the objects should not show so well what they actually are..
Well, if your entry was moved and you have questions, please comment there :)

2007-07-20 [Ilana]: Hmm... this contest is closed, yet there seems to be a new entry. How strange.

2007-07-20 [Sunrose]: Yes I added it, [Kelaria]'s other entry was denied as a submission. She was allowed to make a new entry that will make her a participant, but it was not considered in the final voting as an entry because of this.
Congratulations btw, both of you ^^

2007-07-20 [Ilana]: Ah, I see. It's all good then and not some strange warp in the space-time continuum.

2007-07-20 [Sunrose]: lol :P

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